Monday, January 11, 2010

Merely testing and mumbling

Bleh, just get started on blogging.
You know, it gets annoying when you wanna remember something but you couldn't do so......
I mean, like, what's your thought after playing a game, watch a movie, do something weird, bla bla bla....... After few months or even days, you forgot it.
Damn, I really hate such stupid situations happening again and again on me. = =
So, here I am, starting to blog like a RPG dummy player starting to play
ACT games.
So (stop using so), from now on, I should be starting to
idle chat commenting on what I played, what I watched and so on.

Somehow, striking out words like this is fun.
I might get addicted

1 comment:

  1. dont forget to continue this blog ~

    erm, strike out workds is quite fun, LOL
