Keep having headaches about using either english or chinese to write this......... = =
Searched some superb fan-made mods (they are expert players as well.... damn am I envious about their skill)
An example of insane battle + mod
Non-niconico users, here's a youtube version
(As a sidenote, niconico is a japanese video viewing site, only much entertaining, at least for me)
Tried to mimic their moves, and ended up only in 6 chains. Why are they so "geng"? TwT
Also trying to find a non-AI player to play this game with me, but none knew about it......
Stupid DotA stealing all my friends.......
I need more practice.......
By the way, my hatred for Sega also started to build up, thanks to this series.
A little knowledge of history of Puyo Puyo series will help understand if you don't get why.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Some personal compla.... comments on transformers 2
I don't like Transformers 2. Reasons :
- The plot is too rush
- Superb talking speed, even RAP song is slower
- Insane riddle solving speed and explanation, I'm blurred by the speed of their words
-Even the side characters are seemed to be "blur blur"
- Optimus' final fighting form is technically another version of Gundam 00-raiser (or vice versa)
- Besides Bumble Bee and Optimus, other Autobots are merely fillers (so that Autobots won't feel like lack of people)
- So the same to Decepticons (or however it is spelled), complete with more expendable
- Too much only-adult-understands-it jokes(In Chinese,we call it 黄色笑话)
- Perhaps not, since Malaysian kids mature very early
- Of all jokes, I only like the one 『What you about to see are top-secret files, do not tell
my mother』
- Promotes too much U.S. military supremacy
- A 10-to-20-man army plus a few Autobots can stand against nearly hundred of Decepticons, with little or no casualities.These guys are X-men
- A large railgun that can shoot from US to Egypt/Africa/I forgot the place name.
This is definitely the biggest threat to Earth's peace, not the Decepticons.
Pretty much like that..... now for Chinese version.
我一直以来都不大喜欢Transformers 2,理由如下:
- 剧情赶的不得了
- 说话速度超级快,绕口令都不够他们说话快
- 凉宫动画里的阿虚都被人说快了,都不够他们快
- Transformers 秘密解的特别快,这点就算了,连解释都快。我看了都一头雾水
- Optimus Prime最后的战斗形态和Gundam 00-raiser差不多:都要背包包
- 除了Bumble Bee和Optimus,其余Autobots都是路人。
- Decepticons也一样,但拥有更多的N个送死敢死部队
- 很多黄色笑话,儿童不宜
- 应该不会,现在孩子早成熟
- 特意凸显美军王道主义
- 数十个美军人加上几个Autobots可以对抗近百个Decepticons,最后很少伤亡。
- 美军竟然拥有从美国射向 埃及/非洲/我忘记的地点 的电磁炮。
- 这电磁炮才是破坏和平的主要威胁,Decepticons不过是小威胁
- The plot is too rush
- Superb talking speed, even RAP song is slower
- Insane riddle solving speed and explanation, I'm blurred by the speed of their words
- Optimus' final fighting form is technically another version of Gundam 00-raiser (or vice versa)
- Besides Bumble Bee and Optimus, other Autobots are merely fillers (so that Autobots won't feel like lack of people)
- So the same to Decepticons (or however it is spelled), complete with more expendable
- Too much only-adult-understands-it jokes(In Chinese,we call it 黄色笑话)
- Perhaps not, since Malaysian kids mature very early
- Of all jokes, I only like the one 『What you about to see are top-secret files, do not tell
my mother』
- Promotes too much U.S. military supremacy
- A 10-to-20-man army plus a few Autobots can stand against nearly hundred of Decepticons, with little or no casualities.
- A large railgun that can shoot from US to Egypt/Africa/I forgot the place name.
This is definitely the biggest threat to Earth's peace, not the Decepticons.
Pretty much like that..... now for Chinese version.
我一直以来都不大喜欢Transformers 2,理由如下:
- 剧情赶的不得了
- 说话速度超级快,绕口令都不够他们说话快
- 凉宫动画里的阿虚都被人说快了,都不够他们快
- Transformers 秘密解的特别快,这点就算了,连解释都快。我看了都一头雾水
- Optimus Prime最后的战斗形态和Gundam 00-raiser差不多:都要背包包
- 除了Bumble Bee和Optimus,其余Autobots都是路人。
- Decepticons也一样,但拥有更多的N个
- 很多黄色笑话,儿童不宜
- 应该不会,现在孩子早成熟
- 特意凸显美军王道主义
- 数十个美军人加上几个Autobots可以对抗近百个Decepticons,最后很少伤亡。
- 美军竟然拥有从美国射向 埃及/非洲/我忘记的地点 的电磁炮。
- 这电磁炮才是破坏和平的主要威胁,Decepticons不过是小威胁
movie review,
Strikeout lines abuse
Daicon ............. and some puyo puyo "fever" (Warning, chinese post)

老实说,我很懒惰画画。 画了不满意又undo重画的次数可以上百了。
所以,upload速度应该很慢。 = =
Back to puyo
(english users can refer to webby below)
前一个星期以尝试的心情玩了puyo puyo fever,结果陷入
理由 : 太好玩太过瘾了
嘛,介绍游戏不是我的强项。所以我丢一个 english-user will sure understand de website
Hardcore Gaming 101 - Puyo Puyo
Since the intro in the webby is in english, I'll use chinese here.
玩法和tetris类似 —— 把4个同色的“砖块”叠在一起,然后引爆那四粒砖块。
Game over和tetris一样,砖块达到最上面那行就完蛋。就是那样。
……我本身就萌上アルル(Arle)了 (泪)
可玩Puyo puyo fever的平台有
DC (sega)
-要下载link请留comment (奸笑)
-玩美版/欧版的玩家请把语言换成日文 (游戏内有两种语文),免得耳朵被虐待
multi console games,
puyo puyo
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Game Review - Advance Wars : Days of Ruin
Yes, it's an old game . But old game doesn't mean it's not fun.
Yes, I'm also aware that I'm writing in a style supremely similar to exam essays. So here goes.
Start by a American version coverthat I stolen from other blogs.

Easily seen from the cover and the name itself, the game is war-themed strategy game.
A little misusing of wikipedia will help those who didn't know much about Advance Wars.
Since almost all things are covered by the all-mighty wikipedia. I'll get into the review.
Gameplay -- ??/10
Why all the 10/10 or 9/10 thing? It's fun, that's all that matters.Stupid category scoring system.
Unlike most modern strategy games, it's a turn-based strategy game. Such simplicity puts all the action elements out of the way so that ACT gamers won't bully pure SLG players by faster inputs ,which I like. Most (popular) strategy games lately require superb reflex to avoid being owned by enemy, where's the art of "thinking for the best action"? That's the art of "racing who is faster".
A little introduction of the game is put here for the sake of those who don't have the game.
Winning conditions are simple : Completely wipe out all of your enemies' units or capture their HQ. Vice versa for losing conditions.
Here's how you do it, details are found on the story mode of the game :
1. Construct units (which require funds)
2. Capture cities (to generate more funds)
3. Fight
Like ordinary modern wars, you get to use a couple of types of war machines to win the battle.
Tanks, Anti-Air Vehicles, APCs, Artillery, Copters, Fighter jets, Bomber jets, Battleships, Cruisers, and ready-to-die-for-you soldiers.
Since this is a strategy game, all type of units will have their own pros/cons. The balance of the pros/cons are well-handled, meaning no one type of unit that can handle all kind of situationsas seen in some of the Super Robot Wars series or even DotA. You need to let the various units work together to defeat the enemy. This is the fun part of the gameplay. (At least I really enjoy doing so). Oh yeah, Commanding Officers (COs) in this game also provide only minor enchancement to your units. So it's more to the strategic mind to decide the winner, not the COs you use.
Multiplayer modes are avaiable, both local wi-fi and Nintendo's Wi-fi Club. Considering how time consuming this game is, local wi-fi is preferred if you really want to play with others. (No lagness to drag the already long game) Balance issues are not a problem since COs chosen won't be 100% owning other COs. COs only provide minor boosts. So feel free to go challenge your friends.
The setting of the world is quite... generic -- Meteor falls onto earth, 90% of the human populations were perished, clouds of dirts covering the blue sky, food and fuel (for vehicles) are scarce, survivors get to live a harsh life...... The main character gets rescued by a battalion unit and then starts the war story. That's it, any more details may lead to spoilers.
The background of the world (map) suits the settings of meteor-destroyed world. (See above)
Simple effects are nice to eyes. Anymore detail effects may burden your eyes and this doesn't help planning the strategy.
Some issues of moral values are shown. But I cant exactly list them out here, I'm quite bad in
putting these things into words. Just notice the dialogue of the story. The issues are something interesting to think about. (How irresponsible of me)
About the characters....Erm, first of all, there are no voice vasting to torture your ears.
The art style were a bit different from the common big-eye-and-small-mouthgeneric anime/manga style. It tends to be more western style for me. Anyways, a picture wins over a thousand words.
Most characters featured are important figures in the story, so they have their own personality.
It amazed me that even a modern war themed games can show the funny personalities of the characters without lossing too much feel on thenot-so serious planning or strategies.
Pretty much what you could expect from the guys who made Fire Emblem series.
The music were quite ... techno-metal-ish. Yeah, it shows the setting of the world, but that doesn't help in relaxing the mind. The characters' theme added a little "taste" of their personalities, but still.... techno-metal-ish. Have your old mom listening to these musics and she'll definitely yell at you to stop the torturing musics. Quite a waste. Intelligent Systems can do better in music.
Should have covered all of the game. Bleh. This post sounds like writing a report. Ain't very fun.
I'll never write like this again
Anyways, a few comments may compliment me for writing 2 hours.
Yes, I'm also aware that I'm writing in a style supremely similar to exam essays. So here goes.
Start by a American version cover

Easily seen from the cover and the name itself, the game is war-themed strategy game.
A little misusing of wikipedia will help those who didn't know much about Advance Wars.
Since almost all things are covered by the all-mighty wikipedia. I'll get into the review.
Gameplay -- ??/10
Why all the 10/10 or 9/10 thing? It's fun, that's all that matters.
Unlike most modern strategy games, it's a turn-based strategy game. Such simplicity puts all the action elements out of the way so that ACT gamers won't bully pure SLG players by faster inputs ,which I like. Most (popular) strategy games lately require superb reflex to avoid being owned by enemy, where's the art of "thinking for the best action"? That's the art of "racing who is faster".
A little introduction of the game is put here for the sake of those who don't have the game.
Winning conditions are simple : Completely wipe out all of your enemies' units or capture their HQ. Vice versa for losing conditions.
Here's how you do it, details are found on the story mode of the game :
1. Construct units (which require funds)
2. Capture cities (to generate more funds)
3. Fight
Like ordinary modern wars, you get to use a couple of types of war machines to win the battle.
Tanks, Anti-Air Vehicles, APCs, Artillery, Copters, Fighter jets, Bomber jets, Battleships, Cruisers, and ready-to-die-for-you soldiers.
Since this is a strategy game, all type of units will have their own pros/cons. The balance of the pros/cons are well-handled, meaning no one type of unit that can handle all kind of situations
Multiplayer modes are avaiable, both local wi-fi and Nintendo's Wi-fi Club. Considering how time consuming this game is, local wi-fi is preferred if you really want to play with others. (No lagness to drag the already long game) Balance issues are not a problem since COs chosen won't be 100% owning other COs. COs only provide minor boosts. So feel free to go challenge your friends.
The setting of the world is quite... generic -- Meteor falls onto earth, 90% of the human populations were perished, clouds of dirts covering the blue sky, food and fuel (for vehicles) are scarce, survivors get to live a harsh life...... The main character gets rescued by a battalion unit and then starts the war story. That's it, any more details may lead to spoilers.
The background of the world (map) suits the settings of meteor-destroyed world. (See above)
Simple effects are nice to eyes. Anymore detail effects may burden your eyes and this doesn't help planning the strategy.
Some issues of moral values are shown. But I cant exactly list them out here, I'm quite bad in
putting these things into words. Just notice the dialogue of the story. The issues are something interesting to think about. (How irresponsible of me)
The art style were a bit different from the common big-eye-and-small-mouth
Great art style, eh? Especially the uncle-ish high-rank officer.
He's the perfect example of howugly-type villains look like.
He's the perfect example of how

It amazed me that even a modern war themed games can show the funny personalities of the characters without lossing too much feel on the
Pretty much what you could expect from the guys who made Fire Emblem series.
The music were quite ... techno-metal-ish. Yeah, it shows the setting of the world, but that doesn't help in relaxing the mind. The characters' theme added a little "taste" of their personalities, but still.... techno-metal-ish. Have your old mom listening to these musics and she'll definitely yell at you to stop the torturing musics. Quite a waste. Intelligent Systems can do better in music.
Should have covered all of the game. Bleh. This post sounds like writing a report. Ain't very fun.
I'll never write like this again
Anyways, a few comments may compliment me for writing 2 hours.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Sora no Kiseki the 3rd : CD Key Acquired
Here's the story......
On Jan 2009, I bought the game Legend of Heroes VI : Sora no Kiseki the 3rd (Trad Chinese edition, short for TC for below). Since I'm not rushing to play, I left the game alone for a period.
On May 2009, I installed the game, but since I can't get the crack for the TC edition (to prevent the scratching of my beloved original disc), I didn't activate my game via CD KEY.
On November 2009, I feel like "It's time to play", CD Key searching time.
Guess what? No CD Key found! *insert countlessswearing complaining words here*
3 emails were sent to typhoon games (Publisher for TC edition of Sora no Kiseki the 3rd). None were replied.
Jan 2010, a little random check on my email. I see 2 replies from typhoon games. See below.

Yes, the CD Key is found exactly the place where it saids.
RM1xx of the original game has returned!
Now trying to burn backup disc since thestupid securom does not allow image tools like Daemon Tools to run.
BTW, support original games. They deserved to be paid.
On Jan 2009, I bought the game Legend of Heroes VI : Sora no Kiseki the 3rd (Trad Chinese edition, short for TC for below). Since I'm not rushing to play, I left the game alone for a period.
On May 2009, I installed the game, but since I can't get the crack for the TC edition (to prevent the scratching of my beloved original disc), I didn't activate my game via CD KEY.
On November 2009, I feel like "It's time to play", CD Key searching time.
Guess what? No CD Key found! *insert countless
3 emails were sent to typhoon games (Publisher for TC edition of Sora no Kiseki the 3rd). None were replied.
Jan 2010, a little random check on my email. I see 2 replies from typhoon games. See below.
Yes, the CD Key is found exactly the place where it saids.
RM1xx of the original game has returned!
Now trying to burn backup disc since the
BTW, support original games. They deserved to be paid.
2nd post on the 1st hour : Facebook games
Sometimes I don't get it or should I say always, what's the fun point of Facebook games?
I know, you don't need to get to know all those emulator or any crack thingsto play games illegally and nothing is needed to install to your PC/Laptops.
Only web browser and mouse (or sometimes, keyboard) is needed.
Yes, it's fun to click around and watching the virtual-self getting level up/rich/better.
It's fun to steal other people's crops if you're playing farming gamesthat copied Harvest Moon.
What really frustrating is waiting for hours just to regain stamina/crop to grow/things to earn enough money. Click in few minutes, then hours of senseless waiting for the stamina to recover, then another click in minutes, and hours of waiting again. Endless loop, just like any low budget MMORPGs where you beat monster, level up, buy equipments, just to beat more monster.
Once I heard a radio broadcast discussing about Facebook farming games. (To prevent legal issue, I choose not to point out which radio station) The people are competing in earning levels in their farmer level. Some even managed to earn 20 levels within one day. It's as good as jogging 6 days of work effort within a day. Guess what? The gamers will be "wow"-ing all the time when they heard such news. Yet some of them said that MMORPG players spending too much time leveling their characters. Saying that what's the point gaining 30 levels in one day.How weird of them to allow themselves doing so while MMORPG players cannot.
You call those as relaxing games? I call those as time-wasting games, if you ask me. Which is great for waiting for office hour to reach the end without tiring yourself.
No wonder employers hate Facebook so much that they try to block it somehow.
Yet somehow (again), the clever employees will bypass the block in less than a day, just to play the games.If only such cleverness is used to earn real-life money, not Facebook games' money.
By the way, any comments? Facebook gamers? Enlighten me the fun of the Facebook games before I got whacked by the maniacal gamers.
I know, you don't need to get to know all those emulator or any crack things
Only web browser and mouse (or sometimes, keyboard) is needed.
Yes, it's fun to click around and watching the virtual-self getting level up/rich/better.
It's fun to steal other people's crops if you're playing farming games
What really frustrating is waiting for hours just to regain stamina/crop to grow/things to earn enough money. Click in few minutes, then hours of senseless waiting for the stamina to recover, then another click in minutes, and hours of waiting again. Endless loop, just like any low budget MMORPGs where you beat monster, level up, buy equipments, just to beat more monster.
Once I heard a radio broadcast discussing about Facebook farming games. (To prevent legal issue, I choose not to point out which radio station) The people are competing in earning levels in their farmer level. Some even managed to earn 20 levels within one day. It's as good as jogging 6 days of work effort within a day. Guess what? The gamers will be "wow"-ing all the time when they heard such news. Yet some of them said that MMORPG players spending too much time leveling their characters. Saying that what's the point gaining 30 levels in one day.
You call those as relaxing games? I call those as time-wasting games, if you ask me. Which is great for waiting for office hour to reach the end without tiring yourself.
No wonder employers hate Facebook so much that they try to block it somehow.
Yet somehow (again), the clever employees will bypass the block in less than a day, just to play the games.
By the way, any comments? Facebook gamers? Enlighten me the fun of the Facebook games before I got whacked by the maniacal gamers.
Merely testing and mumbling
Bleh, just get started on blogging.
You know, it gets annoying when you wanna remember something but you couldn't do so......
I mean, like, what's your thought after playing a game, watch a movie, do something weird, bla bla bla....... After few months or even days, you forgot it.
Damn, I really hate such stupid situations happening again and again on me. = =
So, here I am, starting to blog like a RPGdummy player starting to play ACT games.
So (stop using so), from now on, I should be starting toidle chat commenting on what I played, what I watched and so on.
Somehow, striking out words like this is fun.I might get addicted
You know, it gets annoying when you wanna remember something but you couldn't do so......
I mean, like, what's your thought after playing a game, watch a movie, do something weird, bla bla bla....... After few months or even days, you forgot it.
Damn, I really hate such stupid situations happening again and again on me. = =
So, here I am, starting to blog like a RPG
So (stop using so), from now on, I should be starting to
Somehow, striking out words like this is fun.
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