Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Some personal compla.... comments on transformers 2

I don't like Transformers 2. Reasons :

- The plot is too rush
- Superb talking speed, even RAP song is slower
- Insane riddle solving speed and explanation, I'm blurred by the speed of their words
- Even the side characters are seemed to be "blur blur"

- Optimus' final fighting form is technically another version of Gundam 00-raiser (or vice versa)

- Besides Bumble Bee and Optimus, other Autobots are merely fillers (so that Autobots won't feel like lack of people)
- So the same to Decepticons (or however it is spelled), complete with more expendable

- Too much only-adult-understands-it jokes(In Chinese,we call it 黄色笑话)
- Perhaps not, since Malaysian kids mature very early
- Of all jokes, I only like the one 『What you about to see are top-secret files, do not tell
my mother』

- Promotes too much U.S. military supremacy
- A 10-to-20-man army plus a few Autobots can stand against nearly hundred of Decepticons, with little or no casualities. These guys are X-men
- A large railgun that can shoot from US to Egypt/Africa/I forgot the place name.
This is definitely the biggest threat to Earth's peace, not the Decepticons.

Pretty much like that..... now for Chinese version.

我一直以来都不大喜欢Transformers 2,理由如下:
- 剧情赶的不得了
- 说话速度超级快,绕口令都不够他们说话快
- 凉宫动画里的阿虚都被人说快了,都不够他们快
- Transformers 秘密解的特别快,这点就算了,连解释都快。我看了都一头雾水
- 连那些配角都一副理解不能、不懂装懂的样子

- Optimus Prime最后的战斗形态和Gundam 00-raiser差不多:都要背包包
- 应该是和Freedom差不多

- 除了Bumble Bee和Optimus,其余Autobots都是路人。
- Decepticons也一样,但拥有更多的N个送死敢死部队

- 很多黄色笑话,儿童不宜
- 应该不会,现在孩子早成熟

- 特意凸显美军王道主义
- 数十个美军人加上几个Autobots可以对抗近百个Decepticons,最后很少伤亡。
- 这些人是超能力使者/拥有主角威能
- 美军竟然拥有从美国射向 埃及/非洲/我忘记的地点 的电磁炮。
- 这电磁炮才是破坏和平的主要威胁,Decepticons不过是小威胁

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